Friday, December 13, 2013

Friends for ever....

Its 1:20 pm right now and i am still in my night dress..standing by my window and meaninglessly looking at the  vehicles pass by . I have exams in three days and then the last week of the year....when i look back to the year passed by and find myself in a happy place than i ever could  be despite of some lows. i find myself happier and grown up than all the 18 years of my life. the main reason for my happiness is none other than the wonderful people in my life called "FRIENDS".

To be frank i was not a kind of person who had best friends and a "gang" but now i do.they are the most wonderful miracles ever happened to me.All the laughter's,talks,discussions are a part of my life and now i don't have to worry about difficulties or problems because i know that they will be there for me when i need them.They know what it is like to be me.I am lucky that i have them in my life and i never want to lose them.

I hope that i stay in their lives forever and be there for them like they have been for me during sickness and in health.At last i would like to say that...

       "They say that good things take time,but really great things happen in a blink of an eye,the chances of meeting someone like you were million to one.I cannot believe that you're one in a million"

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