Friday, December 13, 2013

Friends for ever....

Its 1:20 pm right now and i am still in my night dress..standing by my window and meaninglessly looking at the  vehicles pass by . I have exams in three days and then the last week of the year....when i look back to the year passed by and find myself in a happy place than i ever could  be despite of some lows. i find myself happier and grown up than all the 18 years of my life. the main reason for my happiness is none other than the wonderful people in my life called "FRIENDS".

To be frank i was not a kind of person who had best friends and a "gang" but now i do.they are the most wonderful miracles ever happened to me.All the laughter's,talks,discussions are a part of my life and now i don't have to worry about difficulties or problems because i know that they will be there for me when i need them.They know what it is like to be me.I am lucky that i have them in my life and i never want to lose them.

I hope that i stay in their lives forever and be there for them like they have been for me during sickness and in health.At last i would like to say that...

       "They say that good things take time,but really great things happen in a blink of an eye,the chances of meeting someone like you were million to one.I cannot believe that you're one in a million"

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Today I was watching the last episode of the tv  show F.R.I.E.N.D.S . the scene where they all leave their keys on the table and the last shot ending on the door made me feel nostalgic. like every tv show and every movie our lives also have happy endings .all our problems,fights,issues,are going to end .as nothing lasts forever then why should they?? When we are in a problem we feel the time is not passing and the problems end seems far away at that time all we have to do is believe.we need to believe that it is going to end sometime and move on to solve whatever is going in our lives.i know it is easier said than done but believing is the easiest thing you can do at that time as believing wont solve the problem but will help you in facing it...
Bad things have an end and so does the good things .The only difference is that we do not want it to end. . But there are some things which last with you forever .and they are your family,friends,companions. like movies our lives are going to be happy and have happy endings to the problems .All we have to do is believe....

So at the end I would like to say is that never stop believing and the foremost thing never stop LIVING…..

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Why I chose this topic to write today is just because I am missing my sister right now. She has been my partner in all things from studies to dancing and doing stuff together. We never needed anyone’s company for watching movies, going out for just the heck of it, and even getting bored. We were the two sisters who never used to fight, which is ironic between siblings. She left two months ago to pursue her studies in a place far away from me and our home. And suddenly I seem to realize that life exists without her being here right by my side. Although she is just a text away its different than what it used to be. When I used to get scared at nights she used to be there to hold her hand and sleep. But now when I get scared now I don’t have her by my side. Sisters are like that they come into your lives and suddenly your life brightens up and when they leave you feel a piece of you has left with them. I know I am being a little over too emotional but it becomes difficult to control yourself when you talk about a person so close to you. Her going has changed me and made me a better and responsible person, and has made me accept the fact that she has to leave someday to make a world of her own and so do I.

Now I am ready for that as well. I am able to accept the reality and move on. Like everything has a good and a bad side this also has some dvantages and disadvantages. I can not fill her shoes and do what she used to do when she was here but I am trying but nobody can replace a sister because no matter how far she is, she will always be there to cry on small things and be sentimental but at the same time support you in whatever you do. I don’t know about others but my sister is one in a million and will be always…..