Sunday, August 31, 2014


                                this post may seem a bit negative or gloomy,but this is what i felt about myself and this is about my experience of facing all those negative emotions and trying to turn them positive for myself....

A few months ago i took a test,an online anxiety test which was recommended  to me,i scored a 6 on 10.certainly this wasn't a test where i would have liked to score more,but to my disappointment i did and it did not feel good at all..somewhere i knew that i am a bit more anxious person than i thought i was but it did not come to my realization that it could be this much.the website where i took the test showed me a video where they talked all about bio-chemistry and the possible causes of anxiety in people...i agree that it was just a website and not a scientific test but the symptoms were pointing towards what i believed was a lot more anxiety than a normal person has,the stomach ailments,the relentless crying and many more things which were not a part of my life earlier.some events which happened in day to day life also kept bothering for days at length and being the over-thinker i am i kept paying heed to those negative emotions and ran to my mother or called up my sister for the smallest things that had happened which were like a big volcano explosion.the most difficult part was that i knew what was the problem,how it was affecting me and i even knew how to solve them but all those negative emotions had made me incapable of doing what i knew had to be done and was going to solve my problems,

 there was this one thing that nobody else is going to solve my problem than myself and THAT was it...i tried whatever i thought would relieve me of this anxiety,distractions,deep breathing,talking to my well wishers and every possible effort but with a belief that i was going to be okay and a little push to myself everyday,it had to take time,i was becoming a little less anxious everyday,a little less worried about what was going to happen in the future without spoiling what i had in the present.i guess that's where being a student of psychology helped me the most..i started to understand myself better and i realized that i am much stronger than i thought i was,

Catharsis,which means taking out everything that is going on in your mind helped me..i started writing and recording what i felt,and today when i read what i had written earlier makes me feel a little happy that i overcome it and also a little stupid because i worried about such a small thing.i guess that is what progress means.

negative emotions are all around us and they are going to hamper us from thinking positively about what we feel is right,at that moment that would be the most difficult thing that we would have to do but we should not stop thinking positively and recognizing what we have...i had my family and friends with me who helped me but moreover its you who has to help yourself and until you do that you will still be lying on the bed crying about everything in the stay happy and cherish the has taken me a while to realize that but when i did,it was the happiest feeling in my life!!


Monday, June 16, 2014

Being Alone

when you're alone...

                     Few days ago my friend showed me a video named "how to be alone",it showed how one can be happy in ones own company.After watching it i felt that i could relate to it ,as being alone has become a part of my life.Being alone does not always mean that you don't have any friends or don't sit with anyone in class or  do not hangout with friends, being alone to me means living in a space where you are just you and  and not pretending to be anyone else just to impress others,it is that space where one can focus on the thoughts and introspect the inner being ,even if you are not thinking, you are spending time with yourself doing what you when you are alone just grab your shoes and go for a walk and look around at the people and nature around you.After doing that you will feel a positive energy coming inside you and happiness will find you...and it gives the insight into yourself and the outer world,so the next time you are alone don't think that you will be bored just do something you like and i promise you will end up enjoying....but make sure you don't stay alone all the time...because staying alone all the time is very dangerous for mental health....and you have friends that you can call at any time of the day and be happy and enjoy your life 
